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by A. Fäh

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Quick Tech News


by Alexander Fäh

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3D Printing Revolutionizes Submarine Production: BMC and AES Forge Groundbreaking Partnership

Writer's picture: Alexander FähAlexander Fäh
  • Die Bartlett Maritime Corporation (BMC) und Additive Engineering Solutions (AES) haben eine wegweisende Partnerschaft geschlossen, um den 3D-Druck in der U-Boot-Produktion zu nutzen und die Effizienz zu steigern.

  • AES, ein Pionier in der grossformatigen polymer additiven Fertigung (LFAM), bringt innovative Technologien in die U-Boot-Industrie ein, um die Lieferkette zu optimieren und Materialverschwendung zu reduzieren.

  • Die Kooperation zwischen BMC und AES könnte die Zukunft der U-Boot-Produktion in den USA prägen und bereits namhafte Kunden wie Electric Boat, Boeing und Lockheed Martin profitieren von diesen bahnbrechenden Lösungen.


Innovative Collaboration Between Bartlett Maritime Corporation and Additive Engineering Solutions for 3D Printing in the Submarine Industry.

AES LFAM 3D printer in action: A groundbreaking technology for submarine production.
AES LFAM 3D Printer in Action: A groundbreaking technology for submarine production.

Bartlett Maritime Corporation (BMC) has achieved a milestone in submarine production by entering into a groundbreaking collaboration with Additive Engineering Solutions (AES). The primary goal of this partnership is to expand the use of 3D-printed parts and tools to enhance the capacity and efficiency of submarine construction in the United States.

AES, a pioneer in additive manufacturing, has commercialized large-format polymer additive manufacturing (LFAM) for 3D printing reinforced thermoplastic parts worldwide. BMC Founder and CEO Edward L. Bartlett, Jr. emphasized AES's impressive performance and their ability to bring technological innovation to the submarine industry.

The strategic supply agreement between BMC and AES aims to provide tailored solutions to address the current challenges in submarine maintenance.

The AES LFAM 3D printer, producing reinforced thermoplastic parts, plays a pivotal role in this ambitious project.

BMC and AES plan to revolutionize the current standard of delivering submarine components. Instead of individually crafted wooden crates, 3D-printed assembly fixtures and customized shipping containers will be used to minimize damage, contamination, and material waste.

The future prospects for AES are promising, as renowned companies such as Electric Boat, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin already appreciate their innovative solutions. This collaboration could pave the way for a more efficient and technologically advanced submarine production in the United States.

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